AirWays is published three times per year by the Second Wind Lung Transplant Association, Inc. by and for lung transplant candidates, recipients, caregivers, and transplant professionals worldwide. We welcome all contributions to the newsletter; however, we reserve the right to edit submissions. We appreciate our members’ help in obtaining donations to support the Second Wind Lung Transplant Association.
General Information
Membership in Second Wind includes a subscription to AirWays. To join go back to the Home page and click on Join Second Wind.
To change your address please send an email to
We also offer on-line access to our newsletter. To access a sampling of recent newsletters click on the AirWays Newsletters box above.
A Word of Caution
Every attempt is made to print accurate technical/medical information from reliable sources. We would not knowingly present erroneous information but because of time and technical constraints it is not possible to check all submitted information.
Articles printed in this newsletter are for general information only and not meant to be taken as professional medical advice. Each individual’s situation is different and information in the newsletter may or may not apply to you or your circumstance. It is your responsibility to discuss any information herein with your physician to determine whether it is beneficial or deleterious to your health.