Second Wind Lung Transplant Association

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Street Address410 West 10th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
800 Number
Fax Number
Accepts MedicareYes
Allow Dbl ListYes
Lung Re-TxYes
Living Lobar TransplantationNo
Date of Last Update03/29/2023
Surgical DirectorAsvin Ganapathi, MD
Medical DirectorDavid Nunley, MD
Team Doctor(s)Verai Ransammy, MD
Brownyn Small, MD
Steven Kirkby, MD
Justin Rosenheck, DO
TX Coordinator(s)Erica Demar

Social WorkerErika Demar
Pulmonary Rehab Manager
Site Map
Contact the Board of Directors

Tom Nate, President

Patrick Henry, 2nd Vice President

Ruth Magnus, Secretary

Gary Bland, Director

Eric Harned, Director

Melissa Burke, Director

Pat Libens, Director

Tracy Linebarger, Director

Renae Woods, Director

Connect with Second Wind

© 2024 Second Wind Lung Transplant Association